Game setup and rules for Hamburger game

Elk jaar zijn de XP-days Benelux. Het ene jaar in België het andere jaar, zoals nu, in Heeze Nederland. Jan-Willem Zijlstra en ik doen samen een sessie van 75 minuten over het werken in Component en feature teams en de veschillen daarin.

Jan-Willen explains the Hamburger game. It is all about component and feature teams.
Sandra Warmolts is calling out the hamburger orders for team Wendy’s, McDonald’s and Burger king. She also collects the baked hamburgers and scores them on behalf of the customers.
Team Wendy’s is in round 1 responsible as a component team to prepare all the lettuce, tomato and cheese for all brand hamburgers.
As a feature teams Wendy’s prepares it’s own burger. Te delivery rat goes up, quality improves and teams enjoy the work better.